1996 Sections/Selected Titles 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998

Spring/Summer 1996
Volume #7, No. 1
Page| Sections/Selected Titles
1 Cover
1 Biorational Control Agents for Japanese Beetle Management
2 Short Cutts
3 Field Diagnostic and Problem Solving Workshop for Golf Course Professionals
8 IPM Corner: Integrated Pest Management Programs in 1995
10 Research Update: Enhancing Biological Disease Control in Turfgrass with Composts
16 Pest Watch: The Drought of 1995 and Weeds and Weed Control in 1996
Fall 1996
Volume #7, No. 3
Page| Sections/Selected Titles
1 Cover
1 The Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Golf Course Turf
2 Short Cutts
3 Scanning the Journals
6 Research Update: Kentucky Bluegrass Golf Course Fairway Cultivar Evaluation
8 Research Update: NTEP Evaluation of Bentgrass Cultivars for Fairways and Tees
10 CUTT Cumulative Index
12 Pest Watch: Controlling Snow Mold